International author, speaker, trainer, and protocol consultant Sindy Martin has helped companies
worldwide address issues of generational and cultural collaboration in the workplace. Sindy
teaches individuals how to become more confident and courteous in business and social situations.
This leads to promotions, more manageable relationships, and a level of branded professionalism
that can directly impact a company’s bottom line.
Sindy’s training programs have catapulted thousands of
individuals to success. Regarded as an authority on business
etiquette and corporate protocol, she is a sought-after speaker,
TV guest, and is frequently quoted as an etiquette expert in
newspapers and magazines. Her fresh, fun, and fast-paced style
energizes and engages as she teaches companies and
individuals how to identify and overcome corporate faux pas.
Sindy has Helped
Thousands of People
Worldwide Eliminate
Communication &
Protocol Barriers
Founder, Smartin International, Inc.
Founder, Smartin School of Protocol
Author, Smartin-Up Your Professionalism in 365 Tweets
25 years experience as a corporate trainer
Lucy Clayton’s Finishing School, London, England, graduate
Certified Etiquette Expert (CEE)
American Business Etiquette Trainers Association (ABETA), graduate
Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) of Toastmasters International
American Society of Training & Development (ASTD), Institute of Management Consultants
(IMC), Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), Human Resource Management
Association of Greensboro (HRMAG)